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Kisumu Conducts Asset Verification Exercise for Public Primary Schools

Kisumu Conducts Asset Verification Exercise for Public Primary Schools

Kisumu Conducts Asset Verification Exercise for Public Primary Schools

Kisumu Conducts Asset Verification Exercise for Public Primary Schools

The Kisumu County government has recently conducted a verification exercise for public primary schools assets. The exercise, which took place from October 7th to 9th, 2024, aimed to ensure the preservation of assets and facilitate a smooth transition of management from the Municipal Council of Kisumu to the county and national governments.

The verification exercise was spearheaded by the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC) alongside the County Committee members led by the Department of Education, Vocational Training and Social Services. The exercise involved a thorough verification of 131 facilities and their assets, as well as consolidating emerging issues including encroachment and dispute.

The team also paid a courtesy call to the CEC Member for the Department of Education, Mr. John Awiti, and held a brief of the findings of the exercise in an exit meeting held at the county headquarters. The verification exercise included officers from the National Lands Commission, Ministry of Education officials, Assets management officers, IGRTC, and the County government of Kisumu.

The exercise is part of the county government’s efforts to ensure that public primary schools and ECDE facilities are well-maintained and managed, ultimately benefiting the students and communities they serve. By conducting this verification exercise, the county government aims to ensure a smooth transition of management and ownership of public primary schools and ECDE facilities.
